Monday, June 16, 2008


Wow, time sure gets away from you in a hurry!!! Sorry it has been soooooooooooo long since my last blog!

Here is what has been happen in the Kellam's world:

The school year ended on a great note, Chase passed his TAKS tests and was promoted to the 8th grade!! He also had perfect attendance for the entire school year!!! Paige graduated from elementary school with a great send off, a swim party and graduation/award ceremony. She received several awards including the Principal's award (this was only given to 1 student and was voted on by her peers !!) Scott, Courtnie, myself and my Mom were there to witness this great honor!! and summer then began...

The kids and I were headed to the coast for some beach time the day after school let out but, the weather down south forced us cancel, which then lead to me hearing "I'm bored" and "what are you going to do to entertain me" ALOT!! Luckily we had a great vacation scheduled to Disney World starting June 10 (Thanks to my Mom and Dad!!!!) so I was able to use that trip as a reminder to the kids that great things were coming soon and what an awesome time we had!!!! We (Scott, myself, Chase, Paige, my brother and sister-in-law and 2 nieces (Bryan, Becky, Heather and Katie) and my Mom and Dad) left San Antonio and headed for a flight out of Austin to Orlando on the morning of June 10, we arrived at our Disney World resort around 5:30, checked in and headed straight to Epcot for the evening!!! We went to all 4 of the parks in the 3 days we were there(some of them a couple of times) rode just about every roller coaster, and saw has many shows as we possibly could. I don't think any of us realized how much walking we would be doing but, let me tell you it was a bunch!!!!!
We flew back into Austin on Saturday, June 14, arrived about 12:00 p.m. and my Mom dropped Chase, Paige and myself off at Schiletterbahn (water park in New Braunfels) on the way back to SA, we did not leave there until about 8:15 and by the time we got home all three of us were completely exhausted and barely made it in the house!! Nothing like cramming a whole summer's worth of fun into a week!!

Still have a few camps left to do, hermann sons over night camp in July and soccer, football, and maybe tennis camp in between!!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!

Life is short! Break the rules!
Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.
And never regret anything that made you smile.

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